Advantages Of Atwood Rope Paracord
We should be clear at this point that fear is not a failure. Fear is not weakness. Fear need not be destructive. We do not need to be ashamed of our fears. Fear stimulates faith; fear is the inspiration to endeavour; fear is the doorway to wisdom. Therefore, we do not need to entertain fears especially if we are lost in the forest because deep down inside us we know that we are armed with disaster preparedness tips. There are two things that we should not fear. One of them is that which we can change. If we can do something about it, let us stop wringing our hands in useless fear. Let's get to work to do something. The second thing we should not fear is that which we cannot change. If there is nothing we can do about it, then, to put it simply, there is nothing we can do about it. We should accept and learn to embrace things we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. Live one day at a time and if you are planning for a weekend trip, just...